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3-d chace for life :-)

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Mit dabei seit Ende 2009
Wohnort: Transkarpatia, Ukraine
Status: Verschollen

...und hat diesen Thread vor 2334 Tagen gestartet!

1. Lada Niva 1985, Lada Niva M 2010, Nissan Patrol Y60 Station 1991
BeitragVerfasst am: 12.01.2018 13:16:24    Titel: 3-d chace for life :-)
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Sorry, that no german, but i think, thaty more intresting will be look pictures, than read my story, which are full with gramatical mistakes .,. .,. .,.
So, about the my post. After last body service, my niva drive in Karpaten Rocky, muddy roads 10 years. 3 years ago i just repainte the car, but no any welding works.
Last 1.5 year, start creack around front window. And more and more stronger. Also some places, like front longerons, rear long arms body fixing points look not from the best position.
Also from all sides of body start come small creack noices. Before the body was perfectl! And i HATE!!! body noices .,.
Decigion - full body service! .,.

I know, that for 99% percones, who will look next pictures, it will be not logical my desigion from economical side. Yes, it looks like more easy sell the car, and buy other one.
But for me exectly this niva, change my life in the best side. I finde so much frends, i open for me trawelling in the nature, discover new teritoryes, i finded the job.
Yes, Niva is diagnosis!!!! .,. .,. .,. .,.

Last off-road before body works)

Collected body parts. Different. But still some is missing. .,.

Lot of rubbish .,.m.

Search problem places, but i was surprised - all ooks wery good. Only one problem was finded, upper of driver door. But it wery small problem. Faster it is normal for nivas.

Buy-buy my niva cry cry cry

Well, continye the report with body works.
When was cuted out the rigt side, we saw that no any rust incide.

Take out the engen. Here was surprice - i turned the cluch whell with one hande. Looks, that compretion in the cilinders not zero, they are -10 ((..
I surpriced, how it possible???? On high way need 8 liters petrol!!! And drive steep u hilss in mountains... Ok. This will chek later. Now is body works in the first position .,.

First cuted body part. No rust))

Drilling out the welding points.

Right wing is cuted out)). Ok, so what we will see here????
Here will have lot of Karpaten dust, some rusty points and some places, which will be make stonger .,.

Was surprised with this body part. 33 years, newer was painted, and only now start some small rust :shock: :shock: :shock:

Outside rear Wheel arch also need cut away. They are 90% is perfect condition, but on the welding points to incide Wheel arch totaly rust.

Front door holder is more rustly.But it not deep rust and decigion is only cleaning.

This time outside of the box is snowing... :D

Also this day was pick up two front wings. Quality of body barst and grout painte now on Lada factory realy wery good! Respect to Frencs!))

The drilled out small part was broked down in 2 from 4 welding points. This place will get extra fixing.

Door holder cleaned from outside. Incide they have lot of body protection. They also was welded to the wing. No any welding points to the maine body .-.
In next days will be changed the situatuion .,.

Now body cuting works are stoped. Need weld back some body parts to keep the body construction.

Right wing i have buyed one year ago.

Left was ordered 4 days ago. And i ask the seller, that be cearful with order. I need old wertion of left wing. But it Ukraine, and i recive M wertion, which have other looking.

On the begining im was disapointed. But after chek with fingers posibility to steel strongness, i picked up .,.
At home i chek more detaily, and finde also two new modifications, wich make construction stronger.

Steel realy much stronger. I have cuted arch on the right wing. After cut, i changed form of not cuted pice with pliers. And it was not difficult. On new just small testing show, that it will be hard job in one of next days... .,. .,. .,.
After one night sleaping, decide order same for right side ö.,

Next part of creasy idea)).
Work last weeks run slowly, because we have 2 Christmas holidays, two New Years (second is Old New Year .,. .,. )...
Now car looks like not car((.
But on the begining of horor pictures, some sentances about new body parts.
I truy buy now only new producted body parts, which are painted not in black ground painting. Black ground must be before painting cleaned. This is transporting grount.
The other colour (dont know the name in englis .,. ) is ready for painting. Quality of them are wery good! But its dont means, that no need chek!!!!

Cuting of Wheel arches.

With parts also was manual, how painte this body parts. No need cleaning and no need do nothing with sandpaiper :shock: :shock: :shock:

Quality looks cool, but i finde rust .-.

Next steep is - sanding. All parts wich have rust i transport for sand.

After sanding - painting with sauer basic ground. They looks red colour.

Next ground is epoxy.

But what happend with my niva in this time????
Shok!!! o.. o.. o.. o.. o.. o.. o.. o..
When i saw, i was ready to cruy... On the begining was decided change not all downside. Only left and right side. Middle and rear keep. But on the service my frend decide, cut completly out all this rusty and 2, 3 times welded parts, wich incide rust. And they after some time will be againe need weld. So, decide all change and build new niva with 33 years history .,.
Only pictures, no more words... .,.

Tomorrow final cleaning. In monday will be welded in downside!)

Alex promised me, that soon niva will be shine like this Audi)))

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Mit dabei seit Ende 2010
Wohnort: Lampertheim (Bergstrasse/ Hessen)
Status: Urlaub

1. Landrover Defender 110 TD4 SW
BeitragVerfasst am: 12.01.2018 13:37:03    Titel:
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Hi Romi Winke Winke

Thanks for sharing this re-built story. Looking forward how this will continue over time Smile

Good luck!


Safe journey! bon voyage! Gute Reise! buen viaje! Счастливого пути!
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Mit dabei seit Ende 2009
Wohnort: Transkarpatia, Ukraine
Status: Verschollen

...und hat diesen Thread vor 2334 Tagen gestartet!

1. Lada Niva 1985, Lada Niva M 2010, Nissan Patrol Y60 Station 1991
BeitragVerfasst am: 12.01.2018 13:43:41    Titel:
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Thanks Bjorn! I hope that all will be maded perfectly, and result will cost all this money investing))

Off-road tours in Ukraine Karpathians
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